Auteur Sujet: pression pneu sur circuit!!!!!!  (Lu 4420 fois)


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pression pneu sur circuit!!!!!!
« Réponse #30 le: 02 juin, 2007, 11:09:22 11:09 »

en gros 300GR de plus a chaud ci tu as pas les chauffantes la moto est un peut flou sur le premier tour aprés tout rentre dans l'ordre , moi j'ai roulé 1,8 devant et 1,6 dérriere  :mrgreen
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pression pneu sur circuit!!!!!!
« Réponse #31 le: 02 juin, 2007, 11:16:15 11:16 »

pour l'inscription, c'est assez rapide.
Pour la pression à froid, si tu n'as pas de couve, je te conseille de partir avec 2.1/1.9 à froid comme d'hab, puis de dégonfler en rentrant de ta première session, comme ça la transition ne sera pas trop brutale, tu pourras sentir la différence, et éventuellement rtevenir sur tes pas en cas de doute.

Pour les rennsport, je ne sais pas, sache que pour les anciens supercorsa ils avaient tendance à préconiser des pressions un peu supérieures à celles-là (2.4/2.2 à chaud), à cause d'une carcasse plus flexible que sur les noàuveaux pros, qui avait tendance à se déformer excessivement si pas assez gonflé.
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pression pneu sur circuit!!!!!!
« Réponse #32 le: 02 juin, 2007, 11:17:50 11:17 »

Citation de: prorsv

en gros 300GR de plus a chaud ci tu as pas les chauffantes la moto est un peut flou sur le premier tour aprés tout rentre dans l'ordre , moi j'ai roulé 1,8 devant et 1,6 dérriere  :mrgreen

A froid ou à chaud?  :tv
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pression pneu sur circuit!!!!!!
« Réponse #33 le: 02 juin, 2007, 11:22:32 11:22 »

tenez,les amis,  lisez ça à propos des supercorsa/supercorsa pros (ça vient du forum pirelli privateer):

Well, I am going to start off with the basics & beginnings of this tire and we can expand from there. All of the below are from my own notes, so it may be different than what you have experienced. Please, add to this info with your own findings.

After years with the (sucecssful?) Supercorsa DOT-labled race tire, the Pro was something of a new beast when it was generally available to the club-racer in the Spring of 2005.

The old Supercorsa's did (and still do) things completely differently than Bridgestone and Michelin, and have a softish carcass that provides most people with (sometimes) too much feel. Unlike the older Michelin which turned well but was described as "vague" at full tilt, the Pirelli under really hard braking would actually fold on itself and deform just a bit -- causing racers unprepared a little fright. Coming from two strokes to four-strokes, everything was new to me at that time so this extra bit of feedback was welcome, although did reinforce my belief that diesels are in fact large race-couches. None the less, the old Supercosa was an easy to read tire with a known tire pressure range of 34-35 on the front and 32 or so on the rear, at least for my rough bumpy tracks in Colorado.

The Pro has a very slightly taller profile in the front than the Supercorsa, but has a much smaller sidewall. It was touted this provides more contact patch at full lean, and I can attest after riding Supercosas and Supercorsa Pros back to back in various race weekends in 2005. The front does indeed provide more grip at max lean angle, and the rear allowed me to get on the gas noticably earlier. The front Pro doesn't seem to deform as much under hard braking, but many of the top riders seem to prefer the Green front compound the most (including myself) not because of the compound but because of the stiffer carcass. I am told the white also shares this carcass, but with a much softer compound. I do not know if this is true or not.

Although it took my team quite a few weekends to find out, the Pros like a much lower pressure than the Supercorsas. Maybe the carcass is stiffer (which would be a good thing), but instead of 34-36 in my 600s I found I liked 32psi front and 28/9psi rear depending on the track.

At least on the 600, on cold days I actually add a few PSI to the tire to keep it from cold tearing. A cold-tearing Pireli is pretty easy to spot, and even though common sense should dictate I want to get more heat into the tire, thus "lower the pressure to solve the problem", it never seemed to work out well. Raising the pressure actually helped slow down the tearing even though there was not a terrible difference in handling. Actually, a cold tearing tire provides so litle traction that anything is better...

At least on my tracks, the Pro hates new track surfaces. I have killed a Pro rear in 8 laps at Hastings NE on a new track surface. Part of that specific problem was the ambeint/track temperature, and the other part has to do with the 2006 R6 chassis having a difficult rear end to set up. On new track surfaces, back out the rebound as far as you can stand it, then start with a slightly higher pressure to keep the surface from tearing independent of the carcass. Cold tracks that are new are the worst, but luckily they are the worst for just about all brands of tires except Bridgestones (which seem to work wellish just about everywhere, but in my opionion just don't provide the same grip of the Pirelli or Michelin. I have no idea about Dunlops...) It is interesting to note that the new generation Michelins appeared to be doing the same thing as the Pirellis on a cold new track surface.

Overall, my baseline for this tire on my 600s HOT off the track is 32psi front (~170F degrees under the surface) and 28psi rear. Slightly higher for abrasive tracks, and +2PSI front and +3PSI rear when it the ambient temperature is less than 60F degrees.

This baseline was for my 2004/5 GSXR 600, 2004/5 GSXR750, and a 2006 R6.

Je pense que vous reconnaitrez que le niveau du post ci-dessus est quand même assez bluffant  ;-)

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pression pneu sur circuit!!!!!!
« Réponse #34 le: 02 juin, 2007, 16:37:58 16:37 »

a froid  :-l
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pression pneu sur circuit!!!!!!
« Réponse #35 le: 02 juin, 2007, 18:13:39 18:13 »

je suis bien content de lire ce compte rendu sur la pression des pneus..

j'ai toujours fais comme bob57 a dit : mettre la pression standard et regler pendant la serie.
--degongle , si on sent la moto trop raide et qu'on a l'impression de conduire sur des oeufs..(on est souvent mal a l'aise en sorties de virage lors des accels..pneus bien lisse...)
--gonfle : quand on sent que la moto est flou en entree de virage trajo aleatoire..(le pneu se dechiquete souvent , usure anormale)

apres le facteur de chauffe du pneus ,..temp sol ; pression a froid , reglage suspension , et façon de piloter du gars...., pneus uses/neuf...  
ya beaucoup de facteurs qui joue rapidement...
 :mrgreen  :mrgreen
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pression pneu sur circuit!!!!!!
« Réponse #36 le: 03 juin, 2007, 12:29:29 12:29 »


Attention il y a pression à froid et pression à froid  :plol

J'explique  :gne entre une pression à froid quand il fait 15° et quand il fait 28° cela donne un éccart énorme sur le résultat à chaud  :plol

Donc cela confirme ce que dit Bob seul la pression à chaud est la bonne  :gne

 :gaz  :v
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